Google Street View Update Showcases Clay Center’s Mural

By Jonathan Cramer

Clay Center is making its mark as the latest Google Street View update unveils its murals to a global audience.

Near the heart of the town, the mural adjacent to the library has long been a local treasure. Depicting well-known children’s books, it celebrates the joy of reading and imagination. Thanks to the updated Street View, this artwork is now accessible to anyone with an internet connection, allowing viewers to explore the town and appreciate the talent of its artists.

But that’s not the only mural catching the eyes of art enthusiasts and curious browsers alike. The D-Day mural, situated near the Head Start center, has also received a virtual makeover. This poignant artwork pays tribute to the sacrifices of veterans who served their country with unwavering valor. With the enhanced Google Street View, serving as a visual reminder of the town’s gratitude to its heroes.

As Clay Center continues to shine, its murals stand as a sign of creativity and community spirit. The Google Street View is ensuring that heritage will be celebrated for generations to come.

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