Day: July 5, 2022

Metzger Tabbed to Help Lead Agriculture, Extension Activities at K-State
Manhattan, Kan. — Kansas State University has named a seasoned scientist and water policy professional as its new associate director for agriculture and extension. Susan Metzger

Obituary-Charles Mallory
Charles Earl Mallory, 48 died June 22, 2022, in Torrington, WY. He was born on September 19, 1973, in Beloit, KS. The son of Donald

Q&A: K-State Beef Cattle Experts Launch Weekly Segment
Manhattan, Kan. — When people needed answers back in the day, often they would turn to the columns of Erma Bombeck, Emily Post or even

U.S. 40 Business Bridge to be Closed in Geary County for Replacement
Geary Co., Kan. — Beginning Monday, July 11, the Kansas Department of Transportation will close a portion of U.S. 40 Business for a bridge replacement

Milford Lake Harmful Algal Bloom Watches and Warning Issued
Topeka, Kan. — The Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) have placed Milford Lake Zone

KSDE, Double Line Partner to Create Improved Statewide Data Collection System
Topeka, Kan. — The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) is partnering with Double Line Inc. to offer a statewide data collection and analytics system