Day: July 18, 2022

Arrest Made in Eniffinty Hayes Lawson Case
Geary County, KS- On July 18th, 2022 at 3:35 P.M, an arrest was made in regards to the Eniffinty Hayes Lawson homicide. The Geary County

Kansas is a National Abortion Battleground Again, with the Prospect of an Outright Ban
Kansas- In the early 1990s, anti-abortion activists from around the country flocked to Kansas and made it the epicenter of protests over what may have

Governor Laura Kelly Announces Simmons Pet Food is Expanding Operations in Emporia, Edgerton
Topeka, KS– Governor Laura Kelly today announced that Simmons Pet Food is expanding operations in two Kansas communities, investing a total of $115 million and creating

OSU Scientists Revolutionizing Legume Genetic Research
By Alisa Boswell-Gore Stillwater, OK– Three scientists gained a new home last year at the Oklahoma State University Institute for Agricultural Biosciences where they are

Shrine Bowl: Look Out for Extra Pedestrians and Traffic
Pittsburg, KS – The 49th Annual Kansas Shrine Bowl will attract 6,000 attendees culminating in the championship football game between East Squad and West Squad

Rep. Mann Reacts to USITC Ruling on Fertilizer Imports from Trinidad and Tobago
Washington, D.C.. – U.S. Representative Tracey Mann (KS-01) released the following statement in response to the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC)’s ruling in its investigation

Consumer Corner: Military Consumer Protection Month
By Derek Schmidt, Kansas Attorney General Kansas- Americans recently celebrated our Independence, pausing to mark the nation’s 246th birthday and honoring those who have served

K-State Horticulture Expert Outlines Plan for Conserving Water in the Home Landscape
By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS– Homeowners who set their sights on having the nicest landscape on the block

Cybersecurity on the Farm
By Jessica Jensen, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS— The terms cybersecurity and cyber insurance are more than just concepts in the

Federal Court: Biden Admin. Exceeded Authority in Redefining ‘Sex’ by Executive Fiat
Knoxville, TN. – A federal district court issued an order late Friday that temporarily blocks, in 20 states, Biden administration guidance documents that illegitimately reinterpret federal law to