Day: August 23, 2022

Report by K-State Researchers Details Teacher Shortages by State
Manhattan, KS — As millions of K-12 students head back to the classroom, a new report by Kansas State University College of Education researchers shows

Obituary-Bernard Rieth
Bernard Louis Rieth, 89, died August 22, 2022 at the Linn Community Nursing Home in Linn, KS. Visitation will be held from 11 a.m. until

Cattle Chat: Ways to Extend the Grazing Season
By Lisa Moser, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS — Just as gardeners manage produce differently depending on the time of the

Voters Kept Abortion Legal in Kansas, but Clinics Can’t Keep Up
Wichita, KS — Abortion remains legal, if tightly restricted, in Kansas. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to get an appointment. On the sidewalk outside the

Kansas Recounted 550,000 Ballots After the Abortion Amendment Lost. Only About 60 Votes Changed
The Kansas secretary of state’s office said a recount of the abortion amendment vote in nine counties only changed about 60 votes. The final numbers