Day: January 31, 2023

A Letter from Director Brian Peete
Manhattan, KS- To the Riley County Community, Over the past several days, more information has been made public as to the events surrounding the violent

2022 Kansas Birding Big Year Results, 2023 Contest
Pratt, KS– The 2023 Kansas Birding Big Year Contest, hosted by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP), is officially underway! Participation is simple;

Governor Kelly Announces Program to Provide $1,000 per Student to Qualifying Families to Promote Learning Recovery
Topeka, KS– As Kansas students continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Laura Kelly announced today the creation of the Kansas Education Enrichment Program

Landscape Design Workshop
It’s never too early to start planning for your garden or redesigning your landscaping! Join Kelsey Hatesohl, River Valley District Horticulture Agent, and Cassie Thiessen,

Cattle Chat: Adding Females to the Herd
By Lisa Moser, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS- In looking at the shifting amounts of money in retirement accounts, it is

Kansas Might tighten Criminal Penalties for Kids, After Loosening them 6 Years Ago
Topeka, KS — Christina Smith says her son has threatened to kill her. Smith was recovering from knee surgery when her child threw her against