Day: March 10, 2023

Injury/Accident-Wanted Person, Barton County
On Thursday, March 9, 2023, at about 8:45 PM Sheriff’s deputies were notified of an injury accident in the 5600 block of Railroad Avenue, just

K-State awards Civic Leadership Scholarship to three high school seniors
MANHATTAN — Kansas State University recently awarded three high school seniors the K-State Civic Leadership Scholarship from a group of ten finalists. The scholarship rewards

Kansas fire season is here, officials say
K-State meteorologist says weather patterns play a large role in wildfires By Maddy Rohr, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. — The beginning

K-State economists to speak on state of American agriculture, carbon credits
By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – A pair of Kansas State University agricultural economists will give updates on the

Obituary-Eric Pishney
Eric W. Pishney, age 51, of Blue Rapids, passed away on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at his parents’ home surrounded by his family. Eric was