Day: March 13, 2023

Governor Kelly Signs Bipartisan Bills Honoring Kansas History
TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today signed Senate Bill 39, a bipartisan bill directing the Capitol Preservation Committee to develop and approve plans for a mural

KDHE Announces Steps KanCare Members Can Take to Reduce Risk of Losing Health Coverage
TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) reinforces the need for Kansans enrolled in the Kansas Medicaid (KanCare) program to keep their

Obituary-Jim Yarrow
Jim Yarrow, 82, of rural Wakefield, KS died March 8, 2023, at Ascension Via Christie Hospital in Manhattan. Jimmie Lee Yarrow was born March 20,

OSU wheat breeding program releases new variety
By Alisa Boswell-Gore STILLWATER, Okla. – Oklahoma State University has a new hard red winter wheat variety on its way to the commercial market this

Attorney General Drummond clears backlog of open records requests
OKLAHOMA CITY (March 13, 2023) – Oklahoma Attorney General Gentner Drummond announced today that his office has cleared a sizable backlog of Open Records requests that dated back to years before

Two high school seniors earn K-State’s Edgerley-Franklin Leadership Scholarship
Monday, March 13, 2023 Two high school seniors earn K-State’s Edgerley-Franklin Leadership Scholarship MANHATTAN — Two high school students are recipients of Kansas State

Remote work expected to grow, but lack of Internet access and training are barriers
Study indicates more than 80% of businesses believe remote work will continue K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – Remote work is here