Month: April 2023

Obituary-Robin Lynn Macy
Robin Lynn (Nicewander) Macy was born November 6, 1958, in Clay Center, Kansas, the second of two children born to Ralph Nicewander and Leola Stites

Annual John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days set for April 17-21
By FHSU University Communications HAYS, Kan. – Students, staff, and faculty will participate in the 18th annual John Heinrichs Scholarly and Creative Activity Days (SACAD),

K-State unveils expanded Kansas Garden Guide
Popular guide aims to help gardeners in state’s challenging growing conditions By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service MANHATTAN, Kan. – A popular

Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Carolyn Dunn, rural grocery
By Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” That quote was

FHSU Center for Applied Technology Ribbon-Cutting Thursday, April 6
By: FHSU FoundationHAYS, Kan. – After years of planning and construction, Fort Hays State University will unveil its innovative student-created charging station during a ribbon-cutting

FHSU senior wins Faulkner Challenge
By: FHSU FoundationHAYS, Kan. – “TransFortified,” an entrepreneurial business plan created by PJ Stauffer, won first place at the 2023 Faulkner Challenge for a Better Future

Fort Riley provides an update on March 20 gate incident
Following the March 20 incident at Trooper gate, Fort Riley, the civilian Department of the Army Security Guard, a 62-year-old male, remains assigned to administrative

Topeka Angler Sets New Kansas Record for Crappie
SHAWNEE – Topeka resident, Bobby Parkhurst, was fishing at Pottawatomie State Fishing Lake No. 2 when the catch-of-a-lifetime came into contact with his lure. Little did
People in Kansas City, Lawrence and Topeka: You Can Get a Good Tree for Killing a Bad One
KCUR | By Celia Llopis-Jepsen Published April 4, 2023 at 11:19 AM CDT Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Celia Llopis-Jepsen/Kansas News Service They’re called Bradford pears, Callery pears

Barton Music Department to present vocal masterclass and recital featuring Dr. Jared Hiscock
April 3, 2023 Story by Joe Vinduska The Barton Music Department will host Dr. Jared Hiscock, Director of Performance, at Hastings College in Nebraska as