Wakefield Working To Expand Number Of Wastewater Lagoons

By Quinn O’Hara

For several months the City of Wakefield has been preparing to increase the number of their wastewater lagoons.

According to KDHE, “A properly designed, constructed, and maintained lagoon will treat wastewater, protect human health and the environment, and can be inconspicuous.” KDHE also notes that lagoons work well with soils with high clay content, poor drainage, and a seasonally perched water table, which makes lagoons a prime choice for Wakefield.

By increasing the city’s wastewater treatment capacity, the Council plans to lay the groundwork for expanding Wakefield as a whole. Prior to becoming the current Mayor of Wakefield, Leza Chryssovergis said the project has been on the city’s to-do list for a while, and she is excited to finally get the project underway.

Now with all loans and grants signed and in place, Chryssovergis says the Council will continue to discuss and sign related paperwork and documents over the coming months.

The new lagoons are planned to be installed just southeast of Wakefield’s current wastewater lagoons. Chryssovergis says the lagoon project is on track to be completed by spring of 2025.

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