Governor Laura Kelly Signs HB 2607, Revolutionizing Kansas Pesticide Law and Enhancing Agricultural Practices

By Trish Svoboda

On June 6, several lawmakers, along with leaders from Kansas agricultural organizations, collaborated with the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) when Governor Laura Kelly signed House Bill 2607. This bill serves to amend and update the Kansas Pesticide Law.

The KDA’s pesticide and fertilizer program is responsible for administering and enforcing the laws related to pesticide use in Kansas. This includes the licensing, training, and certification of pesticide businesses, dealers, and applicators. HB 2607 introduces crucial updates to the state’s pesticide law, enabling the KDA to continue its collaboration with Kansas producers to ensure a safe and effective oversight system for pesticide use in the state, with a focus on training and education.

The development of the bill included contributions from stakeholders in the Kansas agriculture industry, lawmakers, and pesticide applicators. The bill introduces necessary changes to broaden education, lower barriers, and meet the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This will allow the program to continue its role in administering and enforcing the Kansas Pesticide Law.

After the signing of HB 2607, the KDA’s pesticide and fertilizer team will formulate regulations to offer more guidance to the regulated community about the application of the statute to those licensed as pesticide businesses and applicators. In addition, the KDA will collaborate with K-State Research and Extension to create training and testing materials as specified in the bill.

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