Governor Kelly Unveils $57 Million Investment to Enhance Dodge City Water Infrastructure and Sustainability

By Trish Svoboda

Governor Laura Kelly has announced a $57 million investment in Dodge City to modernize its water treatment process and infrastructure. This initiative further supports the Kelly administration’s efforts to improve water quality and address the state’s water supply challenges.

The project aims to enhance Dodge City’s system for releasing treated wastewater into the Arkansas River streambed. This water will run into the Ogallala Aquifer, bolstering groundwater reserves at the city’s current well locations. Upon completion, the project anticipates providing 4,147 acre-feet, equivalent to 1.3 billion gallons, of recycled water annually.

The city was awarded $14,250,000 by the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation through the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).

“The WaterSMART award from the Bureau of Reclamation and the funding commitment from the Build Kansas Fund will further solidify Dodge City as a leader in water conservation management and will help protect the Ogallala Aquifer for generations,” said Nick Hernandez, City Manager for Dodge City.

With Federal funding contributing alongside $22,750,000 from the City of Dodge City and $20,000,000 from the Kansas Infrastructure Hub and Build Kansas Fund, the total investment in this project adds up to $57,000,000.

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