Grow Clay County Announces First-Ever Pie Baking Contest for Piotique

By Payton Tholstrup

Today, July 22nd, Grow Clay County announced its first-ever Pie Baking Contest will be held at the Piotique Celebration on Saturday, September 28th, 2024.

Kathryn Doster-Tipsword, Lead Event Coordinator at Grow Clay County, shared more about the event, explaining that the idea came from the Grow Staff members. She took the idea to her Community Outreach Committee, and they loved it. Details are still being worked out. “When it comes to the judges, we plan to reach out to people we believe would be a great fit for this judging position and go from there.”

The contest will begin at 1:00 p.m., with the judging portion ending at 2:45 p.m. Pies will be judged on their overall appearance, crust, filling, flavor, and taste.

Doster-Tipsword said Grow Clay County will share more information about the new event as soon as they can.

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