Grow Clay County Releases New Mural Maps

Grow Clay County recently announced the release of new maps that outline the county’s mural artwork. The maps are free and can be used by locals and visitors alike to tour murals and learn more about the artists who created them. The maps include both artwork commissioned by A Mural Movement, and the Coca-Cola mural in downtown Clay Center, which predates the organization.

The map was created by former Grow intern, Madi Jones, said Kathryn Doster-Tipsword,
Lead Event Coordinator, Administrator & Navigator.

“We felt that with all of the new murals that have been added, we wanted to make an updated map that had all of the the murals and was easy to read and interact with,” she said. “If anyone wants a copy, they can stop at any of the map boxes on Court Street between 5th and 6th St., or the Grow Clay County office.”

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