Riley County Receives Grant to Assist Residents with Sewer Repairs

By: Ryan Duey

Riley County residents needing sewage system repairs but are unable to afford them can receive aid through a $50,000 grant from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Planning director Amanda Webb informed county commissioners that the grant will assist low to moderate-income households in fixing faulty sewage systems, whether entire systems or individual components. Priority for repairs will be based on income, need, and severity of the failure, with surfacing sewage being the most critical issue.

Households earning between 134% and 200% of the 2023 federal poverty level can have up to 85% of their repair costs covered, while those earning 133% or below can have all expenses paid. Applicants must submit proof of income and two contractor bids, with invoices sent directly to the county.

Webb highlighted the challenge of balancing the severity of repairs to help as many people as possible. The county will accept applications until October 4th.

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