‘A Matter of Balance’ Falls Prevention Class Begins in Manhattan area September 4th

Press Release

Have you turned down chances to go out with family or friends because you were concerned about falling?  Have you cut down on a favorite activity because you think you might fall?  If so, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls program is for you! The class is part of the North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging’s (NC-FH AAA) Wellness program and part of a line-up of seminars for older Kansans and caregivers.

There is no cost to participate; however, pre-registration is required. The location of sessions will be provided once registration is received. A workbook and refreshments are provided at each session.  To register, or for more information call 1-800-432-2703 or go to www.ncfhaaa.com/seminars . Additionally,those interested may also email Molly Sanderson at mollys@ncfhaaa.com .

This eight-session, A Matter of Balance class is scheduled to begin Wednesday, September 4th in Manhattan and will continue through Monday, September 30th. Each session is two hours long and will be held from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM.A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based, award-winning program specifically designed to reduce a person’s fear of falling.

“Falls are the number one health risk for older Americans and fear of falling is almost as dangerous as falling itself,” Julie Govert Walter, NC-FH AAA Executive Director, said.  “People who develop this fear limit their activities—this often leads to severe physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater.”

Walter said that because of their fears of falling, many older people become increasingly isolated and depressed when they limit interactions with family and friends.

“A Matter of Balance is proven to help people improve their quality of life and remain independent”, said Molly Sanderson who coordinates the Answers for Older Kansans initiatives. “Participants learn to set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risks, and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance.”

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