Community Breakfast Features Local Speakers

By Kacie Gelino

The Mr. and Mrs. Community Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of every month at Ebenezer United Methodist Church, east of Clay Center.

Rich Flegle and Michael Causey initially organized the event as a Men’s Breakfast in October 2022. Flegle was new to the community and found this a way to meet people and learn about the county. Both men are veterans who enjoy sharing their experiences with others and learning new things. As the event grew and more community members showed interest, it opened to men and women. Anyone is welcome to attend.

“It just started out as an idea to get to meet a bunch of men,” Flegle said.

At each meeting, the breakfast hosts local speakers with community connections. A variety of information is shared with those who join. Clay County employees, Honor Flight honorees, city commissioners, and Habitat for Humanity are a few who have spoken at past breakfasts, Flegle said.

Along with great information, excellent food is provided. Flegle said they have a variety of food available, ranging from fresh fruit to pancakes and eggs and more. The breakfast is free of charge, and many community members donate their time to cook and prepare for the event. Donations are accepted if given, but the event does not ask for them directly.

“We have enough money that we are going to donate to something in the community. This next coming September, I have put the word out that we would like to get as many people to come as possible so that we can get a vote on what to donate some money to within the county,” Flegle stated.

The September Mr. and Mrs. Community Breakfast will occur on the second Saturday, September 7th, instead of the first because of the holiday weekend. The speaker for the meeting is to be determined. Suggestions for future speakers are welcome.

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