Kansas Department of Agriculture Announces Emergency Suspension of DCPA-Containing Pesticides Following EPA Health Hazard Determination

The Kansas Department of Agriculture announces that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has imposed an emergency suspension on all pesticide products containing the active ingredient dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA).

Previously approved for use in controlling weeds in agricultural and non-agricultural settings, including non-residential turf and nursery stock, DCPA is now deemed an imminent health hazard. This decision, prompted by concerns over potential risks to babies exposed to DCPA in utero, follows the EPA’s registration review process. Effective immediately, the suspension halts the sale, distribution, and use of any DCPA-containing pesticide products.

Dacthal Flowable Herbicide (EPA Registration Number 5481-487) is the sole DCPA-containing pesticide previously approved for use in Kansas. While primarily used in commercial operations, it may have also been purchased by individual consumers. If you possess Dacthal Flowable Herbicide, you should immediately stop using it and contact the manufacturer for return instructions. Retailers and wholesalers must also remove the product from their inventory and reach out to the manufacturer for return procedures. Do not dispose of the product until you receive specific instructions from the manufacturer.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture’s pesticide and fertilizer program manages pesticide use in the state, including product registration and enforcement of federal regulations for registered products. For more details on the emergency suspension of DCPA, including the full text of the emergency order, visit the EPA website.

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