Many Items Discussed During Clay Counts Coalition’s Monthly Meeting

By: Ryan Duey

On Wednesday, August 14th the Clay Counts Coalition met for their regular monthly meeting. Items discussed included a YLink Presentation, Farmer to Farmer Prevention, end-of-year budget, and more.

YLink made a presentation to the members discussing how YLink has grown tremendously, with youth leaders being active across the state. The Clay Center YLink chapter received the prestigious iLead award. Lori Martin also won the Carlson Outstanding Leadership Award for the state of Kansas. Multiple YLink members attended the CADCA national convention in Chicago in June, the convention was well attended and there were sessions for both youth and adults. Next month YLink will host their first event, which is a 5th-quarter Luau after the first home football game. Members are also looking for chaperones for upcoming events.

Clay Counts Coalition hosted a Farmer to Farmer Suicide Prevention Training earlier in the month. Clay Counts has been recognized regionally and nationally for attempting to start up this new program. This training was the first step in developing a local and statewide Farmer to Farmer Program. Clay Counts also hosted other activities including: the Staff Back to School Kickoff and Courageous Conversation Event.

Dana Rickley informed the members that Clay Counts needs to spend more on advertising, and ideas are requested. Advertising needs to be health and safety information for the public.

To finish up the Teammates Mentoring Program is still in need of 27 more mentor volunteers and YLink is needing Chaperones for the 5th quarter Luau on September 6th after the home football game. Contact a Clay Counts member if you are interested in helping.

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