Background Checks Required for USD 379 Volunteers

By Rhys Baker

USD 379 Clay County Schools welcomes volunteers to the district; however, to volunteer at any school site, one must pass a background check and be issued a volunteer badge. USD 379 Curriculum & Instruction Director Jaclyn Pfizenmaier explains, “We do regular background checks on all of our USD 379 employees, so with people coming and spending a considerable amount of time in our buildings or with our students, we just want to ensure the safety of all of our kids. Background checks and volunteer badges are also common among neighboring schools.”

If parents, guardians, or other family members want to attend lunch or are visiting for a special event, no volunteer badge or background check is required. However, Pfizenmaier encourages those considering attending field trips, becoming a room parent, volunteering as a classroom reader, or chaperoning a school trip to apply for a volunteer badge now.  Pfizenmaier says the process is simple. “Once you sign up for a background check through the volunteer program, the application goes to AEGIS, a screening management software company. They check all records. We don’t have access; we just receive a report that says it is clear or not. You will be issued a card as long as you meet the guidelines.”

The background check and badge are free; for more information, go to

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