Governor Kelly Signs Senate Bill 1: Nearly $2 Billion in Tax Cuts for Kansans with Enhanced Benefits and Long-Term Fiscal Health

Governor Laura Kelly ceremonially signed Senate Bill 1, a bipartisan package of sustainable tax cuts, today in Olathe. The bill provides broad tax reductions for Kansans while maintaining the state’s long-term fiscal health.

Senate Bill 1, which received bipartisan support and was signed by Governor Kelly in June, will deliver nearly $2 billion in tax cuts to Kansans over the next five years. It eliminates state taxes on Social Security income, saving Kansas retirees $152 million in the first year.

The bill also increases the residential property tax exemption to $75,000, providing over $236 million in savings to property owners over five years. In addition, it lowers income taxes, raises the standard deduction, and enhances the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit.

“Kansans can expect to see meaningful tax cuts and can rest assured they will not threaten our ability to continue fully funding essential services,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “This bipartisan bill delivers the tax relief Kansans needed, deserved, and that our state could afford.” 

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