Topics from the Clay County Commissioners Weekly Board Meeting on September 9th

By: Ryan Duey

Topics discussed at the Clay County Commissioners’ regular board meeting on September 9th included: road work, school trainings, abatements, pet sheltering class, hirings, and more.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, informed the Board that the department repaired a guard rail on Burr Oak Rd.  He also stated that 24th Rd. will be closed later this week between Navajo Rd. and Ottawa Rd. for repairs.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, stated that the Longford Rodeo went well with only one injury reported during the two days. Trembath also stated that he attended a meeting with USD 379 on a Cardiac Arrest Plan that they would like to put in place, and they would also like to have more CPR Certification and First Aid training for staff at Lincoln and Garfield schools.

John Gier, Clay Center Farmers Market, met with the Board to discuss the possibility of purchasing a concrete bench to place on the west sidewalk. The Board will discuss it during the March 2025 meeting and see if they could get it painted also.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, informed the Board that they will host a Basic Pet Sheltering on November 16th. The course will cover the basics of establishing a disaster/emergency pet shelter, types of shelters, general operations, and skills acquisition. She also stated that she met USD 379 and Mr. Trembath, to review the District’s disaster and crisis plan.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, provided the Board with information on Youth Vaping and Mental Health in the State. It stated that more than 60.4% of High School students who currently vape reported symptoms of depression. This and other statistics highlighted the importance of continued youth tobacco control and prevention programs. She also stated that the Department will kick off their Flu and Covid Shots on the 16th of this month and they will be having a Health Fair from October 21st to the 31st. She also informed the Board that they will be hosting a Drug Take Back Day on October 25th.

Christine Swaim, County Treasurer, presented to the Board the comparison between tax collections in 2022 and 2023. It showed that there were 1.14% of 2022 taxes uncollected and 1.33% of 2023 taxes still not collected.

Mike Argo, Fairboard President, discussed bids on the purchase of a new mower. After discussion the Board moved to purchase a new mower from Bruna Implement, passing unanimously. Argo also stated that the Extension office moved into their new offices on the Fairgrounds.

Rhonda Carroll, Landfill Director, informed the Board that the compactor should be finished and returned to the landfill soon.

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