Topics Discussed During Clay Counts Coalition’s Regular Monthly Meeting

By: Ryan Duey

Clay Counts Coalition held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 11th. Topics discussed included: the TeamMates Program, Gather for Good Match Day, Narcan distribution, National Drug Take Back Day, and more.

Lisa Last and Jess Borgerding spoke about the TeamMates Program. This program, which started back in October 2023, is sponsored through a grant. Data showed that: 46% of mentees had academic improvement, 96% had improvement in discipline referrals, 92% had fewer absences, and 59% of mentees gave an Excellent Rating on the program. Ylink students also plan to continue the TeenMates Program this year.

There have been seven different presentations on Narcan Distribution in the past year. Anyone interested in hearing the presentation can contact Lori Martin for information.

The DCCA will host Medication Safety Programs, one geared toward youth and another geared toward senior citizens. A DCCA speaker will attend Clay Counts October meeting to speak of the Program.

October 23rd is National Drug Take Back Day. This year’s Take Back Day at CCHD will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Patrons can exchange expired drugs for Narcan and chocolate this year.

Ylink held their first 5th quarter Luau on September 6th. The group is hoping to recruit underclassmen throughout the year. The next 5th quarter Luau will be October 11th after the football game.

A “Too Good for Drugs” program will start during the Lincoln and Garfield Elementary Project Lead afterschool program in the future. 

The Community Garden at the Clay Center Health Department has been approved to begin. Anyone who would like to help in any way can contact Nikki Burwell at CCHD.

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