Clay County Medical Center Recognized Among Kansas’ Best for Nurse Communication

CCMC Release

Clay County Medical Center proudly announces its inclusion in Becker’s list of
the best hospitals for nurse communication in Kansas. This recognition is based on data from the
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, and
underscores the exceptional quality of patient care provided by the hospital’s nursing staff.

Becker’s compilation of top hospitals for nurse communication draws from publicly reported
HCAHPS measures provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The nurse
communication star rating is derived from three critical HCAHPS survey questions that assess how
effectively nurses explain things, listen carefully to patients, and treat patients with courtesy and
respect. The latest data reflects patient experiences from July 2022 to June 2023.

Clay County Medical Center is honored to be recognized for its outstanding nurse communication, a
testament to the dedication and professionalism of its nursing team. The recognition reflects the
hospital’s commitment to ensuring that patients receive clear explanations, attentive listening, and
respectful care during their healthcare journey.

“We are incredibly proud to be recognized for our focus on effective nurse communication,” said
Austin Gillard, CEO of Clay County Medical Center. “This achievement is a direct result of the hard
work and compassion of our entire nursing team. We strive every day to provide the highest level of
care and ensure that our patients feel heard and respected.”

The hospitals featured in Becker’s list represent the highest standards in patient communication
across the state. Clay County Medical Center was one of 418 hospitals in the nation, and one of 16
Kansas hospitals to receive this five star rating.

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