Senators Moran and Rosen Introduce Bill to Translate Military Skills into Civilian Job Qualifications, Expanding Support for Transitioning Servicemembers

U.S. Senators Jerry Moran, ranking member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, and Jacky Rosen have introduced a bill to help servicemembers transitioning out of the military by providing documentation of their military certifications and qualifications for job applications.

The Translating Military Skills into Civilian Jobs Act would establish a military training and competency record, ensuring that every servicemember has a clear record of their achievements during service. This document will assist employers in determining if a candidate’s military qualifications meet job requirements.

Earlier this year, Sen. Moran introduced the Colonel Gary LaGrange AgVets Act of 2024, which aims to expand programs that help veterans pursue careers in agriculture. He also proposed legislation to create a startup tax credit for veterans launching small businesses, boosting local economies, and supporting former servicemembers.

“Military service provides servicemembers and veterans with unique skills that make them valuable employees to any company,” said Sen. Moran. “This legislation would make certain every servicemember leaves the military with a document outlining the training and qualifications they achieved during their service to assist in the job search and their life after service.”

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