New Mural Project in the Works for Clay Center

By Jayson Henderson

A new mural is in the works for Clay Center next month. The project is a partnership between the Clay Center Arts Council and A Mural Movement (AMM), an organization founded out of Brett Hubka’s Rotary project. 

The mural is hoped to be located at the library and will highlight the theme of the arts, incorporating visual arts, music, and other creative elements.

“We’re really excited about partnering with the Arts Council. It’s two like-minded organizations that will really benefit both groups,” said Hubka. “The mural is in the works and be looking for that here later next month.”

Hubka added that AMM prefers not to release any renderings early, as “it kind of ruins the process.” 

While the full design won’t be revealed until its completion, Hubka did share that the mural’s theme will involve, “The arts,  clearly because it involves both of our organizations … not just visual arts, but music, and art in general.”

AMM, which began as a single project, has grown to include more than 25 murals throughout Clay Center and surrounding communities in the county.

The new mural is expected to begin in October.

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