By: Ryan Duey
Mia Bella’s, in partnership with the King Family of Waterville, invites the public to a Kit-Tea Party at Mia Bella’s on Sunday, October 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The Party is a fundraiser for Cattails Cat Rescue of Manhattan and Have a Heart TNR Cat Shelter of Clifton.
John Meyers with Have a Heart TNR said the idea of the Kit-Tea Party came from a lady from Waterville who has ties to both cat rescue shelters.
The Party will offer appetizers and drinks to attendees, along with items up for auction and a special event at 5:00 p.m.
Purchasing a ticket will give patrons access to all activities, with all proceeds from the ticket price and silent auction going to Cattails and Have a Heart TNR. Whether you’re on the lookout for a new furry friend or simply want to enjoy an evening with family or friends, head to Mia Bella’s on Sunday and support two great causes.