Clay County Health Department In-Home Services

By Rhys Baker

The Clay County Health Department offers various in-home services throughout Clay County. Some services, such as grocery shopping, trash removal, running errands, and arranging transportation, may come as a surprise. Clay County Health Department Administrator Dana Rickley says a wide variety of services are available: “Anybody greater than age 60 that has some self-care deficits and wants to remain in their home can have those services as long as they are safe, independent in their home. The things that we provide are we assist with medication management. We assist with bathing, dressing, and light housekeeping.”

One concern about medical care is always cost. Rickley says the Clay County Health Department has considered that “We provide care for anybody. If they are of a certain income bracket, there are programs, and those are through the Area Agency on Aging. So, if they qualify for Area Agency on Aging, they pick up a portion of the fee. Our fees are relatively inexpensive. For example, medication management is $20 per hour, but it’s based on every 15 minutes. So $5 to assure that you took your medicine that morning.”

Nurses and aids will also notify doctors and families if the patient changes behavior or self-care as these signs could indicate infection or changes in overall patient condition.

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