By: Ryan Duey
Topics discussed during the USD 379’s regular monthly Board Meeting on December 9th included: Building Action Plans, Crisis Team, KASB Convention, technology, Bond issue, and more.
Suzie Swanson spoke about the legacies of many teachers and staff at USD 379, highlighting the importance of quality teachers for the school and community.
Lincoln Elementary School Principal Steven Kimmi, with Sherry McGuire and Wendy Fox, shared this year’s building action plan with the Board. Clay Center Community Middle School principal Keith Hoffman, with Marah Koster, spoke on the Middle School’s building action plan.
Board member Shanna Sterling gave a short summary of the KASB Convention she attended. The convention had keynote speakers and breakout sessions. Sterling visited the trade show and learned about school budget items and more. Board President, Tracy Claeys also attended the Convention. He said he spent most of his time with the legislative things and school safety. A Wichita police officer was a keynote speaker, talking about school safety.
Jaclyn Pfizenmaier, Director of Curriculum, stated that they were able to find a Consortium home for their Perkin funds starting in 2026. The consortium is between USD 379 and USD 333 Concordia. She said it should be a “win” for both districts as they are close to each other and can work together on uses for the funds. She also stated that they received a Healthy Habits grant for Project Lead Programs at the Elementary Schools.
Ben Last, Technology Director, provided an annual update on the district’s technology equipment and staff. Last stated that they updated and purchased computers over the summer. They are getting ready to do another upgrade and have gotten the equipment for that. He spoke of spam emails and training. He also spoke of the Bark app and said it’s going well in the buildings.
The Board moved to authorize the superintendent to add IMA as the new district health insurance broker while terminating its health brokerage with Greenbush Health Trust.
The Board also moved to hold a special meeting on Monday, January 20th concerning a future bond and capital outlay/maintenance issue, passing unanimously.
In more motions, the board moved to approve the NRP and give authority to the superintendent to execute an interlocal agreement on behalf of USD 379. The Board also accepted an offer to sell the T-Mobile Spectrum Lease.
Much was discussed on different options for next year’s School Calendar, a calendar will be approved at the January meeting.
Business Items finished with a move to give final approval to accept a bid from Pigskin Holdings, LLC for the 2024-2025 Tiger House at $6,000 above costs, passing unanimously. Claeys excused himself from the vote as the LLC is his and he didn’t want to be a conflict.
The Board finished the meeting by approving the resignations of three employees in the district.