As individuals enter the job market, understanding their company’s benefits package often requires a learning curve. As employees progress in their careers, K-State Research and Extension personal finance specialist Elizabeth Kiss emphasizes the importance of reviewing these policies annually.
Many workers don’t fully take advantage of their employer’s benefits, Kiss explained, citing the need to take vacation and personal days to recharge. She encourages Kansans to familiarize themselves with their company’s policies on vacation, health, and retirement early in the year.
Kiss advises planning for work absences and communicating important dates, such as life events or non-flexible travel, to co-workers and supervisors. For flexible travel dates, employees should avoid busy times by checking the workplace schedule. Planning vacations ahead of time helps ensure smooth operations in the workplace.
Regarding health insurance, Kiss reminds people that many plans operate on a calendar year. It’s important to confirm that providers are still partnered with insurance companies and to understand co-pays and deductibles, which can be budgeted for through health savings accounts or personal savings.
For those without employer-provided insurance, Kiss recommends exploring affordable plans through the U.S. government’s health care website.
She also encourages individuals to review their retirement contributions, noting that many employers offer a financial match. Contributing as much as possible to take full advantage of employer contributions can lead to significant savings over time.
Kiss highlights that Social Security is another part of the retirement plan, alongside employer retirement plans and personal savings. She urges Kansans to regularly review policies, plan ahead, and communicate effectively for a successful year and career progression.