Geary County Conservation District Will Honor Local Fire Department for Conservation Effort at its 85th Annual Meeting

The Geary County Conservation District will hold its 85th Annual Meeting on January 23rd, at the Senior Center on Spring Valley Road, starting at 6:30 PM with a free meal sponsored by the Geary County Banker’s Association. The agenda includes a report on 2024 activities, year-end financials, and the election of a Board of Supervisors member.

A highlight of the evening is the presentation of the Conservation Award to the Geary County Rural Fire Department, honoring their vital role in supporting controlled burns and wildfire management in the Flint Hills. These volunteers help landowners maintain native prairies by managing woody encroachment and protecting communities during wildfires.

As climate challenges intensify, the District emphasizes the importance of land stewardship and fire management. The public is encouraged to attend and learn about conservation initiatives. Reservations can be made through Angela Beavers at the District office.

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