Wakefield Booster Club Asking Community Members to “Adopt a Player” to Show Support of Student Athletes

By: Ryan Duey

The Wakefield Booster Club is looking for community members to participate in its first-ever “Adopt a Player” to support the Wakefield High School and Middle School basketball players, and Cheerleaders.

Booster Club member Neal Summerson said this idea came about after speaking with other area schools that do this sort of initiative. It’s another way to support the students for all their hard work.

“We wanted to do this for those who may or may not have students who are playing, just to give back to the students and let them know that they’re appreciated for doing extra in school and participating in these sports.”

When a community member signs up to adopt a player they will be given the option to select a Middle School or High School player. After signing up the Booster Club will draw a player for that Adopter and give them a list of “favorites” for that player.  Adopters are then asked to make a gift bag of the player’s “favorites” to present to them on game day.

Summerson said they ask that each participant be available to make it to the game to present their gift.

“We are asking participants that do sign up to come to the game. We want each of those who adopted someone to come present and give their gifts to the players at the game. So, in turn, the players can return the favor.”

The scheduled Middle School game to attend is set for Monday, February 3rd, and the High School game is Tuesday, February 4th. Presentations will take place between the Varsity Girls and Boys games. If for any reason the participant cannot attend they will need to contact the Booster Club.

Participants who would like to adopt a player can go to the Booster Club’s Facebook page and follow the link.

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