Efficient Hay Feeding Strategies Help Kansas Ranchers Reduce Winter Waste and Improve Profitability

Winter weather often forces cattle producers to feed supplemental forage, which can be costly depending on hay quality and availability. Kansas State University beef production specialist Emma Briggs emphasized that selecting the right hay feeder can reduce waste, improving efficiency and profitability for ranchers, especially in Kansas.

The way hay is fed greatly impacts both the amount consumed and wasted due to trampling or other factors. Many ranchers use open-bottom hay rings because they are lightweight and easy to move, but these feeders can lead to significant waste. The open base allows cattle to pull hay out, causing 16-21% of the bale to be wasted.

However, ranchers don’t need to buy new feeders to reduce waste. By welding sheet metal to the base of open-bottom feeders, they can create sheet-bottom feeders, which can reduce waste by up to 39%.

For those investing in new feeders, cone or basket feeders can minimize waste to 2-5%. While heavier and harder to transport, these feeders keep hay upright. Alternatively, unrolling hay can work if cattle consume it within 12 hours to prevent waste as bedding.

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