Items Discussed During Clay County Commissioners Weekly Meeting on January 27th

Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners regular weekly meeting on January 27th included: tax sales, Rock Quarry, EMS coverage, training, After Prom, economic growth, and more.

Brenda Jordan, County Attorney, was asked by Commissioner Mayo if she had knowledge of the delinquent tax process. Jordan stated that she has never dealt with tax sales. Mayo informed her that Joel Mason, former County Attorney, agreed to finish the tax sale they are currently working on.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, stated that the department graded roads, replaced signs, and worked on machinery to get it all up and running. Shomper also stated that the Rock Quarry is closed, and they do not know for how long. He also reported that Schwab Eaton will work with the sub-contractor to resolve an issue leaving equipment on a landowner’s property.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, informed the Board that an AEMT had resigned, and he is filling the position with someone from the PRN staff. He stated he is still working on getting quotes for the maintenance work on Medic 5. Trembath also reported that he had a conversation with the Mayor of Miltonvale and the EMS Director of Concordia for more discussion on the area of Cloud County that will not have EMS coverage if they are unable to find volunteers to staff the Miltonvale EMS. The Board stated that this would have to be researched in detail to figure out if what Miltonvale EMS would pay Clay County would be enough to cover the cost of providing the service. This matter will need to be studied in detail before a decision is made.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, reported that on February 20, several County Departments will be attending a training with Bluestem Electric using their Electric Emergency Trailer that can simulate many kinds of scenarios that might be encountered during road work or emergency response. She also stated that the roof had been fixed, and she received the bill, which will be paid out of the County General Fund.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, stated that they were able to hire a Home Health Aide to fill the vacant position. She also informed the Board that she would be attending a Health Advisory Board meeting.

Alan Benninga, Sheriff, stated that the Law Enforcement Center passed the inspection that was done last week by Fort Riley. This inspection had to be completed so that Fort Riley could house prisoners at our jail.

Libby Althiser and Roxie Martin, After Prom Committee, Aubrey Tadtman, and Brenna Long, CCCHS Students, met with the Board to request a donation for the After Prom Party. After discussion, the Board agreed to donate $15 to $20 per student, to all students that reside in Clay County for their After Prom Party.

Natalie Muruato, Director of Grow Clay County, Monte Green, Grow Clay County President, Scott Leitzel, Grow Clay County Vice President, and Kerry Speilman, Board Member, met with the Board to present their annual report. Muruato reported that the 2024 funding that was provided by Clay County went to support the Executive Director salary. Muruato also provided an Impact Report, which highlights the outcomes of our work over the past three years and includes a detailed account of work completed in smaller communities throughout the County. Leitzel stated that he is proud of the success of all the grants received and the quality of life is amazing. Commissioner Thurlow stated that working together is a good thing. They will all need to work on the 2025 contract together in the near future.

Rhonda Carroll, Landfill Director, stated repairs needed to be made to the Red Ford pickup. The spark plugs and the starter need to be replaced. Carroll got a quote from Mike’s Service & Repair for the work. The Board granted permission for Carroll to bring the truck in to have it serviced.

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