Items Discussed During the Clay County Commissioner’s Weekly Meeting on February 10th

Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ weekly meeting on February 10th included: right-of-way, training, equipment, mental health, federal funding, and more.

The Board adjourned the meeting to view a right-of-way issue with Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator. After returning they discussed the issue concerning a survey issue with the right-of-way on Elk Rd, between 12th and 13th Rd. The issue will be researched further before any decisions are made.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, reported that they are on run 120 for 2025 and continue to stay busy. Trembath also reported that all EMS Techs would be taking a class on (ACL Class) Advanced Cardiac Life Support this next week. He also stated that he attended the meeting between Miltonvale EMS and the City Council to discuss coverage of Star Township. It was decided that Clay County EMS would provide temporary service when there were no volunteers to handle the emergency call. Trembath then presented an Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement for the Board to consider signing. This will be a temporary service provided by Clay County EMS to the citizens of Star Township in Cloud County. After discussion the Board motioned to sign the Agreement, passing unanimously.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, informed the Board that she has been contacted by the State on the use of the 800 MHz and the 400 MHz radios. She stated she would ask this contact to come to Clay County to give a presentation to the Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, EMS, and Highway Department on State Radio Communications and if the current radios that we are using need to be updated. She also suggested to the Board that have a Countywide policy drafted on the use of Artificial Intelligence within the County Department. This needs to be designed for what is acceptable for Government use. They have also set the Severe Weather Training meeting in Clay County for April 3rd at the Clay County Event Center.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, reported that they are working with their Home Health clients to make sure with the incoming weather that they will have the supplies that they need if the weather gets bad.

Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported that he has received one quote on the handicapped shower and eye washing station off of the Booking Room. The Board stated that they would like to have a 2nd quote before moving forward on the project. Benninga also stated that he has been in contact with Representative Bloom and Senator Bowers about the time that it takes to get an individual entered to receive help in a Mental Health Facility. He stated that it is a serious issue, and the waiting period is way too long.

Megan Lewis, Director of Riley County Corrections, and Brittney Phillips, Riley County Budget & Finance, met with the Board to discuss the Bureau of Justice Administration Grant that the County is currently using to cover the cost of the Recovery Court expenses. There was a temporary pause of federal financial assistance including all federal grants and loans in January. If this should become permanent, they would not be able to fund the Recovery Court program. Lewis asked what the County does with the Opioid Settlement funds that they receive and if they would consider helping pay for the cost of the service of random drug tests that are done in Clay County. The Board asked Lewis to provide them with an estimated dollar amount and they would make a decision after that.

Commissioner Carlson made a motion to pay the 2025 Annual Dues for KAC membership. The motion passed unanimously.

Mike Argo, Fair Board President, discussed the rent that the Extension Office will pay for the office space in the new Clay County Event Center. After much discussion, it was decided to charge $400 per month for rent with the utilities being included in the rent.

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