River Valley Extension District to Host Two Medicare Basics Programs for Those Planning to Start Medicare Soon

By: Ryan Duey

The River Valley Extension District will hold two “Medicare Basics” programs for those who will be starting their Medicare journey in the near future. The first program will be held at the Clay County Event Center in Clay Center on Tuesday, February 25th, at 5:30 p.m. The second program will take place at FNB Bank in Washington on Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:00 p.m.

Jordan Schuette, Adult Development & Aging Agent, will be presenting this program. She said Medicare can be confusing to those beginning this journey, and this program will help clear up some of those confusions.

“We understand that with all of the parts of Medicare, including the options and the plans can be very confusing. So, whether you are starting Medicare soon, maybe you’re looking at retiring or turning 65 within the next year. You may want to consider attending a Medicare Basics Program to learn more about the benefits, enrollment period, eligibility, and other rules around Medicare.”

Schuette said they also have one-on-one visits available at their offices.

“If you have questions about Medicare in general, we also schedule one-on-one appointments in our offices and you can contact myself, Jordan Schuette, or Monica Thayer.”

Schuette can be contacted at the Washington Extension office, while Monica Thayer is available for visits at the Belleville Extension office.

The Medicare Basics program is free to attend, but an RSVP is requested for a head count. Contact Schuette at (785) 325-2121 or by emailing her at jschuette@ksu.edu with any questions on the program or to RSVP.

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