Items Discussed During the Clay Counts Coalition’s Monthly Meeting on February 19th

Topics discussed during the Clay Counts Coalition’s monthly meeting on February 19th included: the Community Health Needs Assessment, CADCA Convention, Strong Sisters follow-up, invitations, DCCCA presentations, and more.

Less than 2% of Clay County residents responded to the Community Health Needs Assessment survey.  CCMC will be looking for ways to improve responses in the future. Of the responses, drug and alcohol use and domestic violence/mental health issues were the highest trends. CCMC is in the early stages of providing human trafficking education and domestic violence resources.

Izzy Blackwood of YLINK attended the National CADCA Convention in Washington, D.C. This was the first time a Clay Center youth rep attended the conference. The conference focused more on mental health, and possible speakers were given to Lori Martin to bring to Clay Center. Blackwood also attended two trainings on collegiate partnering (led by a University of Alabama coalition) on substance abuse and how they may or may not connect with mental health. She also spoke to Senators Moran & Marshall and DEA agents at Capitol Hill. Blackwood will be going to the State Capital with the same group to continue these conversations in Topeka. Blackwood also plans to head back to Washington D.C. for a leadership retreat to become a CADCA Trainer.

Around 50 to 60 people attended the Strong Sisters Courageous Conversation event held earlier this month. Allie Martin said the speakers presented a wide variety of topics. Martin thanked the Rex Theatre, Common Ground, and various individuals for their help during the event. She is hoping to do a similar event next year if there is interest.

Lori Martin reported that Iowa State is interested in having the Clay Counts Coalition participate in an Opioid Project they have planned. It is a four-year training project including participants from surrounding states. The project’s goal would be to gain data from the health and police departments, including emergency data and arrest records. Martin has conducted an hour-long interview with this group, and she should hear soon if the Coalition has been selected.

Nikki Burwell of the Health Department stated that they will host a Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 12th along with the Health Fair. She plans on holding the event from 8:00 a.m. to noon.

Arielle Kelly from DCCCA will host a Prescription Drug Safety for Seniors Program on Tuesday, March 11th at Prairie Land Partners in Clay Center at 9:00 a.m. She will present on appropriate medication use, storage, disposal, and more. During this day she may also present at different locations in the County and other topics while she’s in town if there’s interest.

The Coalition reviewed the 2025-26 Drug-Free Commodities Budget and Action Plan as the deadline is coming up in March. There is $125,000 in funds available, with the Coalition needing to match that. The Coalition will decide if they want to continue with all initiatives before the March deadline arrives.

The Coalition voted unanimously to become a sponsor at the Glavan Ford Easter Extravaganza on April 19th.  Lori Martin will provide a table and educational information for community members. They plan to set up in front of the Grow Clay County office.

The next Courageous Conversations event is planned for April 24th, with the “You Matter Tour.”

The next Coalition meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 12th.

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