Kansas State University agricultural economists are urging farmers to plan ahead for upcoming deadlines related to federal farm and crop insurance programs that provide financial assistance.
Farm economist Robin Reid noted that the deadline for two key programs—Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC)—has been extended to April 15 this year. The deadline for crop insurance remains March 15.
ARC offers payments when county revenue for base crop acres falls below a guaranteed amount based on historical yields and prices. PLC provides payments when the price of a covered commodity drops below its reference price. These programs, in place since 2014, help protect farmers from income losses due to price fluctuations or revenue shortfalls.
Reid explained that the current election for ARC and PLC coverage is based on 2025 crops, with marketing years starting later in the year—June 1 for wheat, and Sept. 1 for corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum.
Agricultural economist Jenny Ifft added that farmers can also purchase county-level crop insurance, such as the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) and the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO), which offer additional coverage but at higher costs. ECO has been available since 2021, offering more coverage based on the crop insurance policy deductible.
Reid and Ifft recently spoke at length about crop insurance options for farmers on the weekday radio program, Agriculture Today, produced by K-State Research and Extension and available online.