New Twin Valley Vice President Spoke to Clay Center Lions Club Members During Weekly Meeting

By: Ryan Duey

John Sullivan, the new Vice President of Twin Valley Communications, spoke to Clay Center Lions Club members during their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday, March 4th. Sullivan spoke about moving to Kansas City from New York and his roll with Twin Valley.

Sullivan was previously the Vice President of Charter Communications, which is what brought him to Kansas City. He said his wife fell in love with the Midwest.

“I’ve been in the telecommunications industry for 25 years. I worked for Charter Communications, and for most of my career, I was a Vice President for them. They asked me to come out here to Kansas City; that’s how I got here.”

“Then, after some restructuring of Charter, they asked me to move back to New York. My wife made it very clear we were not going back to New York City. She just fell in love with the Midwest.”

As Vice President, he leads the operational aspects of the company, which includes the technical side of the business. He said the future for Twin Valley is growth.

“Our plan in the next two years is to grow our company to twice the size that it is now. We have an extremely aggressive growth plan, building out to rural farms and rural areas that just haven’t had services.”

“Keep in mind I come from New York where everybody has service, and when I came out here, it was quite surprising. The vast majority of this state doesn’t have Broadband service. So, we’re growing and getting services to these customers.”

Sullivan spoke about future farming and the need for rural areas and farmers to have fast, reliable internet as farming technology grows. He finished speaking about fiber services and the future growth of the company.  

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