2nd Annual Clay County Seed & Plant Swap Set for March 22 in Downtown Clay Center

By: Ryan Duey

Wisner’s Greenhouse Project at 23rd & Elk is set to bring its 2nd annual Clay County Seed & Plant Swap to 4th & Court in downtown Clay Center Saturday, March 22nd. This free community event will run from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Josh Wisner and his wife are the organizers of the event. He explained how the seed swap works.

“Just bring a packet of seeds or several or even little starter plants. If you have little house plants, little vegetable plants, or flower plants that you started growing and ended up with a whole bunch, bring in the extra and trade with everybody else who’s brought their extra. It’s just a fun little swap.”

Wisner said attendees should label their seeds or plant starters so other patrons know what the seed or plant is and when the plant was harvested.  He also emphasized that patrons do not have to bring seeds of their own to take part, as there are always plenty of seeds left over. He encourages all to come to this event, especially if you’re a fan of gardening.

Along with trading and swapping, Wisner said there will also be refreshments, music, and more.

“A representative from the River Valley Extension office will come down and give information on gardening. They will have some things there that people can look through, just some good advice and good tips about gardening in Kansas. If you’re new to the area, it’s good to know what’s good to grow in our area.”

“We will have a local Band playing there. There will be drinks, and I think someone will be selling cookies too. It’s just a fun atmosphere, and we would love to have people come.”

Music will be played by Phil Bone & Perry Hadduck, and raffle prizes will be awarded also. Wisner said there will be something for everyone, and the day is meant to be a fun community gathering. Visit the Greenhouse’s Facebook page for more information.

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