Topics discussed during USD 379’s monthly Board meeting on March 10th included: Summer costs, Capital Outlay, Bond Issue, new courses, Curriculum Adoption, and more.
Brett Nelson, Superintendent, discussed Health Insurance to be used in the future. He spoke about the presentations that were put on by the companies. No action was taken during the meeting.
Jaclyn Pfizenmaier, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, reported that report cards will go out 5 days after the end of school. She also stated that a group of 10 employees went to Salina to work on the District Action Plan, Standard alignment, and more. She said it was a great day. Pfizenmaier also presented a breakdown of Summer costs and different options for the Summer Program.
The Board spoke of four new high school courses and an adjusted course that could be added to the District. The four new classes are CTE-related, based on new pathways made by the state. The Board will look further into them at the next Board meeting.
Nelson reported on the proposed Bond issue for 2026, asking for a motion to continue work on bringing a possible Bond issue to the community. The Bond would be tax-neutral, keeping the tax the same as residents are already paying from the current Bond. After much discussion, a motion was made to approve continuing to plan for a Bond election in the Spring of 2026, passing 5-2.
The Board agreed to a Waiver of Conflict of Multiple Representation that is needed for the disorganization of USD 334, passing unanimously. They also made a motion to approve the new History, Government, and Social Science curriculum to update the old curriculum. The motion passed unanimously.
During next month’s meeting, the Board will discuss the 2025-2026 Capital Budget, review next school year’s student handbook, and capacity recommendations for out-of-district students.
After Executive Sessions, the Board approved hirings and resignations of staff. They ended the meeting approving the extensions of multiple employees in the District for next year. A list of all approvals can be found on the USD 379 website.