Items Discussed at the Clay Counts Coalition Monthly Meeting on March 12th

Topics discussed during the Clay Counts Coalitions monthly meeting on March 12th included: School-Based Mental Health Services, Mental Health Advocacy Day, Bike Safety, You Matter Tour, Billboards, and more.

Colleen O’Connell with Pawnee Mental Health spoke with the Coalition on their School-Based Mental Health Services in USD 379. She said they currently partner with 8 different districts delivering mental health support directly into the school environment. There are currently around 7 students they are serving at USD 379. Lisa Last can help students get set up with services.

Braylee Langvardt with YLinK reported that CCCHS YLinK was chosen to give a proclamation to the Kansas Governor in Topeka on Mental Health Advocacy Day. 8th grade students will attend this as part of recruitment for future members. They also plan to merge the “You Matter Tour” with YLinK Recruitment. Then, the “Friday Night Lights” Recruiting Event will take place on April 25th.

Jeanna Fancella with Scouts of America reported that Cub Scouts Pack 55 is organizing a Bike Safety Clinic on April 5th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. A motion was made to donate funds for the Clinic, passing unanimously.

Nikki Burwell with the Clay County Health Department reported on the upcoming Drug Take Back Day. It will take place in front of the Health Department on April 12th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. She stated all medications and drugs (legal or not legal) will be accepted. Ideas on a survey and raffle were brought up also.

Michelle Tessaro, Matt Weller, and Allie Martin spoke on the “You Matter Tour” and “A Night of Hope” occurring on April 24th. Multiple presentations are planned to take place at area schools. During the evening presentation at CCCMS, the LIFT organization will be helping with Daycare and serving food.

A motion was made to purchase “Live Clean Baskets” for graduating seniors, passing unanimously.

Assistance is needed for the Drug Take Back Day on April 12th and the Night of Hope event on April 24th.

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