Dickinson County Conservation District’s 80th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner will Celebrate Producers in the Area

By: Ryan Duey

The Dickinson County Conservation District will hold its 80th Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Thursday, February 13th at Sterl Hall in Abilene.  This annual meeting is open to the public with a complimentary meal catered by Lucinda’s Katering at 6:00 p.m. Johnson Farms and Amanda’s Bakery and Bistro will also provide their popular pies for dessert.

Conservation District Manager Cindy Montgomery said every year they are required to host a meeting, so they take this time to celebrate the producers.

“We choose to take that opportunity to really celebrate our producers in the area because 100% of the time when these farmers are putting these practices in the ground, it’s voluntary. We help provide technical assistance and some funding for it, but 100% of it is voluntary for the farmers.”

“We want to recognize that and celebrate our producers because we really need our agricultural producers.”

Along with a meal, the District will hold a short business meeting, involving Board of Supervisor elections. Any patron interested in serving on the Conservation Board of Supervisors is encouraged to attend the meeting.  They are looking to elect two Board Supervisors this year.

Montgomery said area students also get involved in the form of a poster contest.

“Every year we do a poster contest that’s in association with the National Association of Conservation Districts in the Kansas Association of Conservation.”

“This year, the theme is “Where the Habitat is.” Area students can enter the contest. They can do it on their own or they do it through their school. We get somewhere around 200 entries every year. This year we’ll award the prizes to those kids for that.”

This year they will present two awards to local producers, The Grassland Award and the Bankers Award for Conservation. The Grassland Award goes to a producer who works to keep the native grasses healthy. The Bankers Award goes to the producer who excels in overall Conservation efforts on their farm.

The annual meeting and dinner is free and open to everyone. Reservations are due by February 7th. Contact Montgomery at (785) 263-1351, or by email at cindy.montgomery@usd.gov.

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