Growing Hope Globally Aims to Support Agricultural Development in Developing Countries

By: Ryan Duey

When Kaylyn Morse of Manhattan learned about Growing Hope Globally, she was inspired by the cause and transformation, both locally and overseas, in fighting hunger. After working in social work, she joined Growing Hope Globally to get more involved on a broader scale.

Growing Hope Globally is a Christian nonprofit organization working to address and support agricultural development in developing countries across the world. Morse said the organization uses proceeds from crops grown in the United States to help fund programs overseas, using Growing Projects.  

Funds from Growing Projects help member organizations overseas provide training and tools to help developing communities become more sustainable. Morse said they currently work with 31 different countries supporting 45 different agricultural development programs. Morse said she works with Growing Projects in the area and with partners overseas.

To get more information or to get involved with Growing Hope Globally visit their website. Morse said anyone interested in this Program can also reach out to her directly, find her contact information at

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