Progress Made on 2024 Farm, Food, and National Security Act: U.S. Representative Tracey Mann Advocates for Fiscal Responsibility and Agricultural Interests

By Trish Svoboda

Today, May 24, the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 made progress in the House Agriculture Committee, thanks to the affirmative vote of U.S. Representative Tracey Mann from Kansas’s 1st congressional district. The bill, which aims to authorize agricultural and nutritional programs for the upcoming five years, successfully passed the committee stage with a vote of 33-21. Following the vote, Representative Mann issued a statement.

Representative Mann emphasized the critical role of a strong, financially responsible Farm Bill in safeguarding America’s food supply and national interests. He stated that delivering this is both what farmers and consumers deserve and Congress’s duty. He has been actively involved in Farm Bill discussions on the House Floor, particularly regarding its potential impact on farmers.

The bill is now set to be reviewed by the entire U.S. House of Representatives. Representative Mann serves the Big First District of Kansas, a region recognized as the country’s third largest agricultural producer and the leading district in beef, wheat, and sorghum production. In May 2023, a Farm Bill listening session was held in Gypsum, Kansas, co-hosted by Representative Mann and House Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson. The session, which was attended by 150 individuals, provided a platform for Kansas farmers, ranchers, agricultural producers, and leaders to voice their priorities for the forthcoming Farm Bill.

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