Springtime Strategies for Calf Health and Marketing: Insights from Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute Experts

By Trish Svoboda

At this time of year, experts from the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute recommend starting routine procedures for one- to two-month-old calves and formulating marketing strategies.

In a recent Cattle Chat podcast, these experts discussed calf health, nutrition, and marketing strategies to optimize success. Brian Lubbers, a K-State veterinarian, suggests that now is an ideal time for basic processing procedures on young calves, including considering castration for bull calves and offering protection against clostridial diseases.

Bob Larson, another K-State veterinarian, recommends parasite control as a beneficial strategy for young calves, as they respond well to deworming treatments.

Regarding supplemental nutrition, Phillip Lancaster, a K-State beef nutritionist, suggests that offering creep feed may not be economical at this stage due to peak milk production in cows.

In addition to calf health and nutrition, the experts agree that late spring is a good time to develop a marketing plan and consider risk protection. Dustin Pendell, a K-State agricultural economist, emphasizes the importance of reviewing health protocols required by some marketing programs and considering available livestock risk protection insurance policies.

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