Manhattan Area Technical College Ranked Best Community College by WalletHub

By: Ryan Duey

Manhattan Area Technical College (MATC) was recently named the best community college in 2024 by the personal financial website, WalletHub. WalletHub compared over 650 community colleges across 18 different key indicators of cost and quality. The data ranged from in-state tuition costs to student-faculty ratio, to graduation rates.

According to WalletHub, MATC ranked on top in large part because it puts students on track for a good future career. Graduates of MATC have a median salary of over $50,000, the fifth highest among the 650 colleges studied. Over 77% of MATC graduates earn more than the average high school graduate income.

MATC also offered the lowest student-loan default rate, fifth-highest graduation rate, and third-highest retention rate of all the colleges. This top ranking distinguishes MATC as one of the best options for Kansas residents seeking a two-year college.

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