Davids Urges Senate to Pass Bipartisan Tax Relief Act, Highlighting Key Benefits for Kansas Families and Small Businesses

On August 1, Representative Sharice Davids urged the Senate to pass the bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, which she supported in January. The bill includes key policies she has championed, such as the Child Tax Credit, small business R&D credits, and affordable housing provisions. Davids expressed hope that the bipartisan support seen in the House will extend to the Senate vote today.

Raised by a single mother, Davids has worked to reduce costs and provide relief for hardworking Kansans. She played a key role in passing a law that caps insulin costs at $35 a month for Medicare seniors and allows Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Davids also voted to improve supply chains and reduce grocery costs by decreasing reliance on foreign oil. In addition, she successfully advocated for a tax break on mileage expenses for small business owners and introduced bipartisan legislation to improve access to quality, affordable childcare for Kansas families.

The bipartisan tax package offers financial relief to Kansas families and small businesses through the following measures:

Child Tax Credit: Expands direct payments to parents over the next three years, benefiting 136,000 children in Kansas and potentially lifting up to 500,000 children out of poverty nationwide. Davids previously supported the American Rescue Plan in 2021, which expanded the Child Tax Credit and benefited 148,000 children in her district.

Small Business Credits: Enhances the R&D tax credit to encourage investment in innovation, helping small businesses compete globally and create jobs. Davids led efforts to reinstate business-friendly R&D tax rules and advocated for expanding the credit, which was weakened in 2017.

Affordable Housing: Strengthens the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to boost affordable rental housing across Kansas. This program has financed 38,391 affordable homes in the state since 1986. Davids previously collaborated with Representative Jake LaTurner to push for increased affordable housing options, and today’s package includes provisions from that effort.

Cost Offset: The package is fully funded by ending the Employee Retention Tax Credit, a pandemic-era program plagued by fraud and higher-than-expected costs.

“Having been raised by a single mother, I understand firsthand the challenges that hardworking families face today,” said Davids. “That’s why I urge the Senate to pass this bipartisan package of middle-class tax cuts, which provides much-needed relief to families and small businesses in Kansas. It would benefit our communities, help parents, foster job growth, and create more affordable housing options at home. It’s time for the Senate to support these measures, as we did in the House with overwhelming bipartisan support and promote Kansans’ wellbeing.”

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