Expert Advice: Manage Fall Leaves to Protect Lawns and Enhance Soil Health

As fall progresses, leaves are starting to blanket lawns in Kansas and will continue to do so throughout November. Horticulture expert Cynthia Domenghini from Kansas State University emphasizes the importance of removing these leaves from home lawns.

While a few scattered leaves won’t damage the grass, a heavy layer can block sunlight from reaching turfgrass plants. If left too long, this can prevent the grass from producing the carbohydrates needed to survive the winter.

One effective method to manage leaves is to regularly mow over them as they fall, chopping them into smaller pieces that can be returned to the lawn. It’s crucial to do this frequently enough to avoid thick leaf buildup.

If your mower has a bag attachment, you can collect the shredded leaves to use as mulch in flower beds, where they will break down over time and enrich the soil.

Leaves can also be composted, either whole or shredded. For efficient decomposition, it’s important to balance them with green materials, like fresh plant clippings.

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