Expert Tips for Navigating Holiday Eating: Moderation, Mindfulness, and Healthier Choices

The holiday season often brings an increase in indulgent eating, starting with Halloween and lasting through New Year’s Day, says Sara Sawer, a nutrition expert with K-State Research and Extension in Sedgwick County. Sawer suggests approaching holiday eating like preparing for a sports season, noting that while the holidays themselves are only a few days, it’s easy to overindulge regularly during this period. She recommends being mindful of what and how much we eat each day, as moderation can benefit overall health, energy, and well-being.

For major holiday meals, Sawer advises focusing on favorite recipes that are meaningful to you and your family, while balancing the meal with fruits, vegetables, and even a family walk after eating. Adding nutrient-rich foods helps reduce the temptation to overeat, while daily physical activity can relieve holiday stress and support good sleep and health.

To maintain healthier holiday meals, Sawer suggests using low-salt ingredients in dishes like chili, substituting seasonal vegetables, and making small ingredient swaps—like using applesauce instead of butter, or reducing sugar and salt. Eating regular meals before holiday gatherings can prevent overeating, and enjoying one piece of dessert rather than multiple servings can help keep indulgence in check.

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