Go to KDOT NC Kansas Facebook page, KanDrive website for updates

The Kansas Department of Transportation has closed multiple highways in north central Kansas due to extreme conditions.

Updates are taking place regularly. To see updates on highway closings and openings, go to the KDOT North Central Kansas Facebook page at facebook.com/NCKansasKDOT. For updated information on highway openings and closings across the state, go to www.Kandrive.gov or call 511 in Kansas or 866-511-5368 outside Kansas.

The current list of highway closings in north central Kansas include:

  • Eastbound and westbound I-70, from Exit 244 near Salina to the Colorado border.
  • U.S. 36, from U.S. 81 to the Colorado border.
  • K-281, from U.S. 36 to the Nebraska border.
  • K-14, from U.S. 36 to the Nebraska border.
  • Intersection of K-18 and K-181.

KDOT asks that motorists not attempt to avoid interstate closures by using secondary routes. Any non-essential travel should be delayed until conditions improve.

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